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Subject: The Secret to Online Success


Do you want to know the secret to online success?

Many people go online looking to find the secret…

Many courses and coaching programs claim to know the secret…

With all of the shiny objects and promises of “click button” riches out there, it’s easy to get lost in all of the noise.

So what’s the secret?

The secret to success online is that there is no secret.

Sure, occasionally there may be a loophole that can be exploited for a little money here or there, but it’s certainly not a long-term business strategy.

To have ongoing online success… a real online business, you need to follow a proven system for success…

You need to plug-in to something that works and works consistently…

If you’re looking to get started online the right way, you need to check this out…


This course will show you to get started online, get your business setup, and how to begin to profit quickly.

To your online success!



Subject: $10,000 in a day? Really possible?


You’ve probably seen people making huge income claims about their online businesses…

Is it really possible to make five figures in a single day online?

It sure is… but probably not how you’re thinking.

Can you start your business today from a standing start and make $10,000 or more?

Although not completely impossible, it’s very unlikely.

But, if you plug-in to a system for building a real online business, sending out a single email and making $10,000 or even more in a single day is VERY, VERY possible.

That’s right…

Over time, when you’ve built a real online business, being able to quickly make a lot of money becomes much easier…

You can see these types of results too…

But, it’s not going to happen overnight.

It can happen pretty fast, but you must plug-in to a real, proven system that works…

This guy Rick, has been running a REAL online business for the past 5 years…

To learn how he’s doing it, click the link below:


To your online success!



Subject: Freeeeedommmm!


What is your motivation for starting an online business?

Are you looking to make more money?

Maybe you’d like to pay off some debt or maybe have a little more in savings?

Or, maybe your motivation is to spend more time with your friends, family, or on a hobby…

Although all of these are different, they have a common theme…

It’s called FREEDOM.

-->Freedom from debt…

-->Freedom to buy the things you want to buy…

-->Freedom to do what you want to do with your life…

-->Freedom to live life on your terms – The kind of life you want to live

To have the freedom you’re looking for, you need to follow someone that has a proven system for online business that works…

To learn how to get your online business started as soon as today, click the link below…


To your online success!



Subject: Failure…


Are you afraid of failure?

Many people struggle to see success online because of a fear of failure.

Failure is not a bad thing…

Many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs failed many times before seeing success.

More important than whether you have success or failure is what you do with the successes and failures that you have in your life.

One of the best things you can do when you fail is to learn from it…

Learning from your failure is one the best things you can do.

If you’ve bought courses in the past and not seen the results you were hoping for, there’s a powerful lesson to learn…

Many courses out there focus on hype to sell.

They don’t give a full, complete roadmap to success…

You need to follow someone that has experience online and has achieved success…

Someone that give you the roadmap you need to see the same success in your online business.

To get a complete blueprint to finally having online success, click the link below:


To your online success!



Subject: Theory or a 5 year veteran?


Unfortunately, there’s a lot of hype and noise out there…

Sadly, many of the “gurus” out there don’t practice what they preach.

Sure, they may sell some courses, but the information inside will leave you guessing…

If you’re already making $10,000, or more, per month, close this email…

If you’re not, and you’re tired of following courses and information that leave you guessing, here’s something that you should take a look at…


Rick, a 5 year veteran of online business has put together a course that will show you EXACTLY how to get started and profit online.

Rick takes a very step-by-step, no-hype approach to online business.

Here’s the link again…


To your online success!



Subject: Are you addicted?

Are you an addict?

Not to drugs or anything like that…

What I’m referring to is shiny objects.

You know… distractions.

Many online marketers have a shiny object syndrome addiction, and it can be crippling to success.

If you’re not familiar with shiny object syndrome, the symptoms normally involve things like…

-->Buying course after course

-->Spending more time learning and less time actually doing

-->Not seeing the type of results you want to see in your online business…

Luckily… There is a CURE for shiny object syndrome.

It involves following a proven system to consistent online success from someone that has a REAL online business…

Here’s your cure…

If you get this, you’ll cure your shiny object syndrome, end your addiction, and begin making real money online!


To your online success!



Subject: No more guessing…

[First Name],

Are you tired of having to guess all of the time?

You know what I mean…

You buy a course that promises the world, and then you’re left guessing…

Guessing about what you need to do next…

The sales letter makes it sound great, like it’s all you need, but once you get started, you realize, there’s more to it…

The “business in a box” is not really everything you need.

It’s frustrating.

What if you could find a step-by-step system for getting started online that actually showed you how to go from nothing to having a real online business?

What if there wasn’t any more guessing?

What if you could go through the course, apply what’s inside, and start seeing results today?

The good news is you can…

Click the link below to learn how you can quickly go from a standing start to online success…


To your online success!



Skype - cangaro - FB - Rick Ling...

Email Rick Ling HERE